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* Publi4itatea este oferita GRATIS tuturor Sponsorilor, tuturor organizatorilor "Summer School Dniester 2008"

* Реклама предоставляется бесплатно всем спонсорам и организаторам летней школы 'Днестр 2008'

* Advertising is provided free for all sponsors and organizers of the summer school "Dniester 2008"

Matra program of dutch ministry of foreign affairs

WECF - Women in Europe for a Common Future

The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is a private, nonprofit organization created in 1983 to strengthen democratic institutions around the world through nongovernmental efforts. The Endowment is governed by an independent, nonpartisan board of directors. With its annual congressional appropriation, it makes hundreds of grants each year to support prodemocracy groups in Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and the former Soviet Union.

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

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Eco-TIRAS International Environmental Association of River Keepers is created by environmental NGOs of the Dniester River basin, shared by Moldova and Ukraine, to help and advice authorities and population to manage the river in sustainable way, using Integrated River Basin Management Approach.


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